Youth Voice Training Courses

We design and deliver training courses for young people, professionals that work with young people and the boards/senior management that oversee projects. All our training can be tailored, and we’ll select the trainers that can bring experience and relevance to your setting.

You can find full details of our varied courses in our Youth Voice Training Offer or take a look at the summary below to choose the right one for your organisation.

Youth Voice training

For organisations that are in the early stages of or thinking of introducing young people’s voices to their organisation, our training covers the What, Why and How of youth voice.

Having a Voice in your organisation

A workshop to help your young people build their confidence, develop their voice and start thinking differently about how they can make a positive impact on your organisation.

Developing your Youth Voice strategy

The perfect opportunity for an ‘away day’ of your senior leadership and board members to really consider the decisions that can be influenced by young people.

Having a Voice in governance

A workshop for young people working at or towards being a young trustee, youth board member or similar senior influencing role.

Identifying your impact on young people

A course that guides you through identifying your theory of change, the creative mechanisms you use to monitor impact and how you can effectively share it with the world. 

Co-producing projects with young people

Our team will guide you through examples of events and projects with young people involved in planning and execution of events and long-term projects.

Ready to get in touch? Please contact us on [email protected] to arrange a chat about how we can best support you.